It is hard to believe I am half way through my final quarter of first year. I've been in Arizona for nine months, and they have flown by! I'm so excited to finish first year and see what second year will be like. I'm most excited/nervous for pharmacology. I hope that I can do well with my background in human pharmacy.
One of the most surprising things about my first year is that I've discovered my love for large animal medicine. We had our first bovine labs, and continued with physical exams on horses. After only two sessions, I decided that pursuing a mixed track is something I would like to do. Being from rural Minnesota, I think it will be good to have skills in both large and small animal since there are not many large animal veterinarians out there.
This is Ellen. She was not happy about being in the chute! |
Gonna have to get used to cow slime...Thanks Ellen |
Tying for venipuncture. |
Scout helped us in our equine lab |
A few of my classmates and I had the opportunity to volunteer at an alumni picnic for the DO and Pharmacy programs. The event was held at the bovine/equine center, and I had an amazing time giving the alumni tours of the facilities and speaking about the College of Veterinary Medicine. I am looking forward to volunteering at similar events soon!
Volunteering in the sunshine! |
In addition to working with cows for the first time, I also got to shadow the second year students in the surgery suite. It is amazing to see what they can do, and I almost can't believe that in less than a year, I will be doing the same!
Surgery was awesome! Special thanks to Danielle (second from right) for making our caps! |
I am still pretty sure I want to move back to Minnesota after graduation, but I do have to admit that Arizona has some funny little creatures. These three geckos hang out on my balcony every night!
They didn't get me a discount on insurance... |
Stay tuned for more ventures in vet school!
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