Tuesday, April 26, 2016


One of the most frequently asked questions vet students get from new applicants is "How are you paying for school?" They tend to follow up this question by explaining that they are reluctant to go to school because of the large amount of debt students acquire. By saying this is a loaded question would be an understatement. The following commentary is my own opinion, and in no way reflects the opinions of other students. That being said, what I am going to advise and write next may be inappropriate for viewers that are easily offended. Continue reading at your own risk.

If I'm honest, it really irritates me when applicants reveal that they are questioning going to vet school. First of all, you have already put in so much work to get this far. You've taken the classes, studied the material, volunteered and worked with animals, and you just now decide to look at the debt-to-income ratio? That's just plain irresponsible and negligence. You should look at all aspects before you even decide to start pursuing a career.

Secondly, if you are not certain that this is the right decision for you, DON'T APPLY. Veterinary Medicine is an incredibly competitive field, and people that aren't completely ready to commit to taking on the debt that comes with the degree are selfish. When you apply, you are compared to every other applicant. There may be someone who truly wants this, and is prepared to face the debt, but their grades might be lower than someone who decides at the last minute to question their decision. More often than not, the student with the higher grades is going to be picked. By questioning your decision, you take that chance away from someone that really wants it, and probably deserves it more than you do.

Lastly, if you are looking for a career to make money, this career is not for you. Don't waste your time. Veterinarians do not make half of what pharmacists or physicians make. Plus, medical school is easier to get into. Go there if you want to make money. But truly, if you aren't prepared to take a position that you LOVE, regardless of the income, then you should probably reconsider your ambitions. Veterinarians have a lot of debt. It is what it is, and it isn't a big deal. There are resources to help you manage your loan payments, and programs to alleviate the amount of debt in the long run.

If becoming a veterinarian is something that you truly want to do, then the money ought not to matter.

That's my two cents. Take it as you will.


  1. I give this post an A+. I am so tired of being harped on about the debt. Money is not the most important thing in life; not even close!

  2. www.journeyofvetmed.blogspot.com follow me :)
