Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome to the College of Veterinary Medicine

Loving the pawprint lanyard!

 Well, I survived my first day of orientation. We technically have already had two days of orientation, but the first day was for several programs and covered all of the logistical stuff like financial aid, health insurance, library and security. Today was the official CVM orientation. We met together in small groups, and got to know each other a little better. I am an introvert. Sure, I am friendly and silly, but usually only once I am comfortable around someone. That being said, this was definitely an instance of finding comfort fast.
Representing my undergraduate school: University of Minnesota. Go Gophers!
This was the only photo I managed during orientation...bad blogger!

 Meeting my vet school comrades was easier than I expected. I think that is because all of us are so much alike, and we share many common interests. Although, I have to admit that ice-breaker games can really throw me off guard. For instance, they asked us what our favorite TV show was. I completely blanked, and they then asked the worst question possible: "Well, what was the last show you watched?" I totally had to admit to binge watching the Kardashians. I was completely mortified. Of course, looking back, I should have said COPS or American Horror Story or anything, ANYTHING but the Kardashians. I'm pretty sure my classmates think I am an idiot now.

Nonetheless, the rest of the day went swimmingly. I've noticed that I am a bit older than the vast majority of my classmates, but I think that I bring experience to the table perhaps more than fresh biochemistry and organic chemistry knowledge. I did meet a girl who did well in both Organic and Biochem, so I will definitely be making her a study buddy in the near future.

Our first homework assignment was to write a letter to ourselves that we would receive on graduation day. I remember doing this in high school, and I still have my letter. I actually read it recently when I found it as I was unpacking. In my high school letter, I wrote about hoping things remained a certain way, and I hoped I was still doing certain things. This time, I chose to ask myself questions and compare my answers at the end of school to how I felt today. I also highlighted specific memories about the application process I wanted to remember. I am excited to read this again in four years, when I am officially a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

That still freaks me out a bit.

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